Savvy's translation

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Most people like living with other people. But some people just have to be by themselves. (大多數的人喜歡與他人比鄰而居, 但有些人卻喜歡獨處) Take Bozo Kuick, for example. For over eighty-four years Bozo lived all alone on a desert island. (波索, 庫伊克就是其中一個例子, 84年來, 波索獨自一人住在沙漠)In 1888, when Bozo was only sixteen, his father left him on a little island off the coast ofCroatia. He kissed Bozo goodbye and said, “I hope all goes well with you, my son.” Then thefather got back in his boat and sailed home without his son. How could he do such a thing, you ask? Well, Bozo had asked him to.(1888年, 當時波索才16歲, 他父親把他留在克羅埃西亞Croatia的一個小島上, 他父親向波索吻別並且說道:「我希望你一切順利平安」接著他父親就自行搭船回家。你可能會想問他父親怎麼可以這麼做? 是的, 波索也曾這樣問他父親.Bozo’s father was a poor peasant who couldn’t afford to feed his seven children. So he called his sons together and asked them to decide their own future. Bozo chose the life of a hermit. (波索的父親是個貧窮的鄉下人, 他沒辦法負擔七個小孩的生活費, 所以他把他的兒子們聚在一起, 要求他們自行決定自己的未來. 波索選擇作為一個隱士).During the years that Bozo lived alone, World Wars I and II were fought. But Bozo never heard about them. In 1972, a crew of fishermen visited his island. They tried to talk to Bozo. At first the old hermit ran away. Finally, he let the men into his windowless stone hut. (波索獨自生活的這段期間, 歷經一、二次世界大戰, 但波索完全不知. 1972年, 有一群漁夫來到波索的島上, 他們設法與波索交談, 剛開始, 老波索逃開, 最後他終於讓這些人進入他獨居的石屋)The fishermen talked with Bozo for over two hours. They told him all about the two World Wars he had missed. When they asked his age, Bozo guessed he was one hundred years old. (漁夫與波索交談了約二個多鐘頭, 他們告訴波索他所不知的世界大戰, 當漁夫們詢問波索的年齡時, 波索自己猜測應該有一百歲了)They asked if he wanted to go home. But Bozo said no. So the fishermen wished Bozo well and left him alone again—just as his father had eighty-four years before. (漁夫們詢問波索是否想回家, 但波索回答不想. 因此漁夫們祝福波索平安順利就離開他打道回府, 就像波索父親當年一樣)


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